Ver la versión completa : Xbox360 no podrá correr DirectX 10, confirma ATI.

25/08/2006, 15:49
La noticia está en ingles, pero creo que se entiende bastante bien. Como se las apañarán con los futuros juegos que únicamente vayan con DX10 en PC, cuando les saquen para Windows Vista y 360 simultaneamente?

Aqui va:

Xbox 360 can't run DirectX 10, confirms ATI

1up reports that ATI has debunked a rumor that Xbox 360 could be upgraded to support DirectX 10 via a patch. "Xbox360 cannot run DX10," an ATI spokesperson told 1up. Currently, Microsoft's console runs an advanced version of DirectX 9, which, according to ATI, features "memory export that can enable DX10-class functionality such as stream-out."

It's difficult to say when and if studios that are developing cross-platform titles for Xbox 360 and Vista will hit a roadblock because of DirectX variances between the two platforms, but certainly a game like Crytek's Crysis, which does support DX9 with some DX10 features, could be optimized and ported to consoles.

Fuente: joystiq.com (http://www.joystiq.com/2006/08/24/xbox-360-cant-run-directx-10-confirms-ati/)