Bueno bueno, navegando por el site de Windows Vista me he encontrado con una utilidad que te descargas y te hace un escaneo de tu PC para ver "si da la talla" y que versión de Vista es la que más te conviene. La utilidad se llama "Windows Vista™ Upgrade Advisor BETA", y lo podeis descargar de aquí.

Yo le he pasado el test, y activando todas las opciones, me va advirtiendo de lo siguiente:

We're sorry, but your PC cannot currently install and run the core experiences of Windows Vista.
However, you may be able prepare your computer for Windows Vista by upgrading your PC hardware.
You will need to take the following actions to run Windows Vista.

Additional hard drive storage

15GB free space required (Your computer currently has 3,87 GB) :O

- Watch and Record TV
Action Required
Make sure you have an approved TV Tuner card
a) upgrade your graphics adapter to one that has TV output or
b) connect via an Xbox 360 or other Windows Vista-compatible media center extender

Premium Photo, Music and Movie Experiences
Action Required
a) upgrade your graphics adapter to one that has TV output or
b) connect via an Xbox 360 or other Windows Vista-compatible media center extender

You may need to manually update the drivers for the following devices

Y nada más. Sobre las opciones del escritorio 3D y todas esas movidas no he visto nada, supongo que el test tan solo sea para la versión basica de Vista.

Mirar a ver si vuestro equipo tiene lo q tiene q tener, :P

Por cierto, el bicho este me dice:

Based on your selections,
Windows Vista Ultimate
appears to be the edition that is right for you.